Thursday, September 19, 2024

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bookstores in the USA

Bookstores in the USA

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bookstores in the USA

Museums, parks, bustling streets and exotic restaurants: this is the usual set of places where a tourist rushes when visiting a new country. But if you want to learn more about people from another culture than others, go shopping where people buy spiritual food. Using the example of the United States, the Ghananeem team will tell you about the secrets of bookstores.

Huge selection

Chain supermarkets where you can buy food and household goods are familiar to everyone. In the United States, where consumption is a cult and a value of the nation, books are distributed through stores of the same format. The largest retail chain in the United States is called Barnes & Noble, and it consists of 627 outlets. Barnes & Noble can be found in almost every major city in the United States: the network stretches across the entire North American continent. It is almost always a large, spacious store, many of which have a Starbucks café.
Despite the fact that many book lovers are moving to digital media, Barnes & Noble continues to occupy a leading position in the print market. The corporation has even released its own electronic book reader, the Nook. The e-book has not been able to compete with more tech-savvy competitors, but the company continues to sell e-books.
It is difficult for ordinary second-hand bookstores and shops to compete with powerful chain competitors, but they still enjoy the support of readers and writers. Small but atmospheric bookstores cannot afford expensive rents and trendy coffee shops, but people come here primarily for a book, not for free Wi-Fi and pleasant music from the speakers.

Great prices, but not for textbooks

The choice of literature in the United States is huge and diverse. Whether you love the classics, or you are chasing every new thing, you will most likely be offered many options for the reading you are interested in. At the same time, the prices are acceptable even for those whose budget is very limited. If you buy a book in a chain store, do not be lazy to register your email in advance, and you will almost always be sent a discount in the form of a coupon. It must be shown to the cashier when calculating. A trendy book in the genre of science fiction, novel or for children usually costs about 20-30 dollars. Given that the minimum wage in the country is at least $12 per hour, the cost of the book is quite reasonable.
Each store has a discounted book section where you can often buy something unexpected. Surprise yourself or your friends, because it is impossible to follow every new product. And thanks to the layout with a discount, you can get acquainted with such literature that rarely catches your eye. In addition, during seasonal sales, very interesting prices for bestsellers appear. For example, before All Saints' Day, you can buy a book by the master of horror Stephen King with a 30% discount.
What may unpleasantly surprise the buyer is the cost of textbooks in the United States: the price is usually about $100-150, but it can be higher. New editions of one textbook with minimal additions and changes are released every year. Therefore, teachers, getting acquainted with students, immediately indicate the textbook of which year they will study. Competition between the authors of textbooks is great, so they try to attract students not only with content. For example, for some publications, web pages are created, where the author publishes additional materials, links to videos, interviews. It is becoming less and less profitable to buy a textbook, but renting it is easier and more convenient. For example, the online giant Amazon has created a simple and convenient textbook rental service. In order not to pay $90 for a book that will be needed for one semester, a student can rent it. A semester of rent, free shipping, and shipping back to the warehouse cost only $30 at a price of $150!

Convenient sorting

Entering the bookstore, where there are thousands of different books, magazines and other printed publications, it is not surprising to get confused. Therefore, pay attention to the section indexes, which are designed to make the reader's choice convenient and correct. If you are looking for a specific book, it is better to immediately contact the assistant; Usually they walk around the halls, arranging books. But if you yourself are not sure what exactly you are interested in, or you need to choose a book as a gift, then take into account the recommendations of the store. In America, there are several websites where millions of readers leave their reviews about the book they read, and stores put on separate tables those books that receive the best reviews.
Since many people come to the bookstore out of curiosity, sellers try to surprise buyers. On the shelf you can see the most unexpected selections. For example, detective stories written only by women.

Specialty stores

Private stores can afford to move away from the supermarket principle and focus on the narrow sphere of literature. This approach most often reflects the personal preferences of the owners. In New York, a city that has it all, there is a unique store that sells only books related to detective stories and investigations. Cop adventures, spies, murders, triumph of intelligence and crime: get ready for extreme experiences!
If you are a fan of such genres, be sure to include "The Mysterious Bookshop" in your visit plan! The store was opened in 1979, and is considered the oldest store of its kind in the United States. The most interesting novelties, unsurpassed classics, meetings with writers, announcements and panel discussions: where else can you find so many options to quench your thirst for suspense and adventure? A unique service from the store is a subscription to new publications with the author's signature. The owner of the store, Otto Pensler, personally compiles lists of publications, and thanks to extensive connections, he guarantees subscribers a constant replenishment of the most intriguing books. He also regularly publishes selections of the best stories and novellas. The store is small, with high ceilings. To find the right book, you need to use a movable ladder.
If you've been dreaming of an autographed book for a long time, "The Mystery Bookstore" is a godsend. It is here that there are thousands of books with the authors' signatures, at quite reasonable prices.

Not only spiritual food

In the chain bookstore "Barnes & Noble", tired of familiarizing yourself with the assortment, or rather, having given up, unable to inspect even a tenth of what is sold, it's time to refresh yourself with material food. Here you can sit down at a café table and start reading the book you bought. A huge glass of coffee or tea, or maybe a bowl of hearty, rich soup? Feel free to schedule the purchase of books during lunch or dinner!
Not only spiritual food

Meetings with writers

In the United States, almost all books are published through publishers. It is very difficult to sign a contract, attract attention and stand out from other authors. To ensure that books sell well, agents create a marketing plan for authors. It includes interviews on TV, radio, participation in public discussions, and meetings with readers. A calendar of such meetings can be found on the website of the author or the agency that represents him. Most popular authors sign books only at official events. A ticket for it can be free when buying a book, but if the author is known, the entrance will cost you 50-60 dollars. Thousands of such events are held across the country every year. While signing the book, the reader can exchange a few phrases with their favorite author, and take a picture as a keepsake. Very often, show business stars publish their memoirs, so they will sign books in stores in the same way. For example, the colorful actor Danny Trejo recently advertised his book "My Life Full of Crime, Redemption and Hollywood".

Books, coffee and more

If you think that people go to a bookstore for books, then you are mistaken. An American bookstore sells hundreds of products that have nothing to do with knowledge.
What unites them is the format related to entertainment. Awkward socks, board games, glasses, plush toys, mosaics, pencils, audio and video CDs, notebooks, postcards, paints... But this is not a complete list, because they also sell construction sets, collectible figures, sets of young chemists or physicists and everything else that can only be imagined as a pleasant pastime with the family. During the seasonal holidays, the store is decorated with an appropriate theme.

Instead of a playground

If your child is accustomed to reading, or if he is just starting his journey into the world of knowledge, a visit to the bookstore can be a highlight for him. Barnes & Noble has a separate section dedicated to children's goods and is more reminiscent of our usual Children's World.
Here children play with each other, can choose an interesting book, and also come to listen to the reader. Listening to books together is a very popular way to spend time in a bookstore, because it is so interesting for children to experience the adventures of the characters together!

Books are fun!

Bookstore employees are erudite and often cheerful people. They share their good mood with bookstore visitors, so here you can see funny selections and unexpected jokes.

Unexpected finds

Since the world of books not only entertains us, but also gives us the opportunity to expand our knowledge about the world around us, be prepared for the fact that some new horizons will put you at a dead end. Take, for example, the luxurious edition of recipes using marijuana! Each prescription includes the exact amount of the drug's active ingredient. Someone counts calories, and someone counts how much cannabinoid is in muffins!
Today we told you how you can have fun and spend time in a bookstore. Active recreation, or meditative immersion in an unfamiliar culture - books will help you get a more complete experience.
Unexpected finds

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