How many books can you read per day?
Famous billionaire Warren Buffett once said that you need to read 500 pages every day to achieve success in life. He stressed that everyone can do this, but few will. Do you really need to read that much a day? How many books can a person read per day, are there any standards? Let's figure it out.
How fast can a person read?
Psychologists and educators note that the average speed of silent reading is 200-300 words per minute. According to modern standards, a fourth-grader should read half as much. And these norms are adopted for a reason, since the pace of speech of a person talking to someone fluctuates in this range. If we want to explain important information or read a bedtime story to children, we slow down to 60-100 words per minute so that the listener understands everything better.
In recent years, various methods of teaching speed reading have gained popularity. Some experts believe that fast reading tires the eyes less than slow reading, and also increases the level of reading comprehension. But there are also those who believe that in order to achieve the results of reading 1000-1500 words per minute, it is necessary to stop internal pronunciation, and this negatively affects the quality and depth of perception of the text. Which of them is really right can only be checked by a reading person from his own experience. It is likely that for one reader, a quick process will indeed prove to be more effective, while for another, a slow process of studying the literature is required to thoroughly understand the content.
What is the norm of reading per day?
The norm of reading is related to the age of the reader. If we are talking about a preschooler who already knows how to read, then only 5-10 minutes a day can be devoted to reading. If you force a small child to read longer, then there is a high risk of overstrain of the eye muscles and increased fatigue. Children from the senior and preparatory groups can visually load themselves for 15-20 minutes. A school-age child can already read a book without overexertion for 45-50 minutes. But it is important to take a 10-minute break after half an hour of reading.
Adults can also read for about an hour a day, distracted by a few seconds after 10-15 minutes of reading on distant subjects. After an hour, be sure to take a break for 15 minutes. If you do not feel a strong strain on the eyes, then you can continue reading. Be sure to create optimal illumination while reading, sit and hold the book at a distance of 30-35 centimeters.
Reading the book daily and little by little
There is also an opinion among reading lovers that you need to read for 30 minutes a day. The optimality of this method is explained by the following:
1) Attention for a short time remains sufficiently focused, which does not allow you to miss the important points that are described in the book, and draw the right conclusions for yourself.
2) Anyone can always find this time in a day, even a very busy one. For example, it is quite possible to read a book before going to bed, devoting 30 minutes to the process.
3) During such a period of time, you can get a small portion of information from the book and thoroughly "digest" it. Then it will be easier to perceive the next information provided by the author.
4) By reading 30 minutes every day, you can read at least 20 books a year that can give you the necessary information and change your life for the better.
Such advice, of course, is advisory in nature - everyone decides for himself how much he wants and, most importantly, how many pages he can handle per day. It is important to remember here that you should not read several books at the same time – you need to finish one, take a short break, and then start the next work. This is the only way to read the book will be productive, will allow you to understand the main idea and draw the right conclusions.
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